
Presently is a little collection of my favorites things this season; simple joys and ideas worth sharing around the topic of living a more soulful, heart-centered life. 

In this winter season, I am presently…


...books that challenge the binary thinking that has become the status quo and offer more nuanced perspectives on what it means to be human beings on this planet.

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and The Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer (affiliate)

Robin Wall Kimmerer is a scientist with a PhD in Botany and is also an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Braiding Sweetgrass artfully challenges the reader to consider science and spirituality (specifically, traditional indigenous spirituality and anismistic worldviews) not as disparate, opposing viewpoints, but as complementary ones; and how understanding each can enrich the other. I credit Farai Herrald (@thehillbillyafrican on Instagram) for introducing me to the concept of folk herbalism/ethnobotany, which led me to this book which is now profoundly influencing my understanding of and relationship with the natural world. 


...using my planner as more of a daily journal. In the weekly spread pages, I’ve been writing down thoughts and insights from my day, things I’m grateful for or just a little story about the best thing that happened that day. I’m not putting pressure on myself to journal every single day, just when I have something to write - which ends up being about 3 times a week. 

...marking each new and full moon with time for contemplation. This is a rhythm I’ve been observing for two years now. What’s different is that instead of having a rigid, pre-planned structure for this spiritual practice, I’m instead asking myself what would feel best to me in the moment and doing whatever that is. It’s been refreshing to approach self-care in a way that feels responsive and intuitive, and not formulaic. a candle and reading a blessing or verse at mealtimes. I’ve been wanting to be more intentional about including little rituals like this to help shape and give character to our life as a family. This is one area where I’ve been appreciating more structure, not less. Note: Would you be interested in a future blog post sharing some of the non-denominational, inclusive/interfaith table graces I’ve found? 


…seeing some of the sunflower seeds I harvested in late summer now being put to use in our bird feeders.

...listening to short stories and audiobooks with my daughters, especially the free podcasts Stories for Children from We Nurture Collective and YourClassical Kids Storytime.

...creating again. Working on this Midseason Journal and planning the first local gathering of my Cross Quarter Club has brought me so much joy over the last couple of months. I’m excited to do it all over again come spring.