Winter Style | Seasonal Color & Decor Inspiration

There may still be two weeks until Winter's official start, but we've already experienced a couple of snow storms here in Pennsylvania! Plus, now that we are in December, all I can think about is CHRISTMAS! So today I'm introducing my Seasonal Color Scheme, the first post in my new Winter Style series! I'll be sharing decorating and DIY tips all season long, so stay tuned!

I'm following the same philosophy as my Fall color scheme by avoiding the typical red and green and instead doing tonal variations that will last me all season long. When I started thinking about color schemes for this winter, the one image I couldn't get out of my mind was the deep bluish green of fresh spruce needles. I made this color my starting point and went from there, pulling photo inspiration and colors that seemed fresh yet cozy. I originally marked the photo of the sofa because of the color of the Hermes blanket, but I thought way the green Pellegrino bottles pop off of the warm caramel tones in the brick wall was so striking that I made that my fifth color! It's bright, fresh and a little unexpected.

Stevie Storck Design Co - Winter Style SCS


Have you started your winter/holiday decorating yet? Share your photos on the Stevie Storck Design Co. Facebook page with the hashtag #winterstyle! I would love to see the colors you are working with this year!