Stevie Storck

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One Year of Sage

It’s been quite the year. The last blog post I wrote was on my own birthday back in March. I’ve had so many ideas and things I’ve wanted to write about since then and now that my book is off to the publisher for editing (more about that soon!) it seems fitting that my first catch up post should be about Sage’s birthday.

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I had been planning and looking forward to Sage’s first birthday since well before she was born. I knew it would be such an exciting milestone to celebrate, but in hindsight it also felt like such an accomplishment! We’ve been a family of three for a full year now and life has never been sweeter. Sage’s actual birthday fell on a Tuesday and we kept things pretty simple with a special breakfast made by her Grammy, a relaxing day at home (she was teething pretty bad all day, poor baby!), opening her presents from us after dinner and her first scoop of raspberry ice cream (a tradition in my family) in the evening.

Her birthday party was the following Sunday and it was everything I had hoped it would be! Low-key and full of joy. We kept it small this year and just had her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and godparents over for a picnic dinner at our house. The weather was perfect and it so adorable watching all the kiddos play together. I think Sage’s favorite part was hearing everyone sing “Happy Birthday” to her! She was smiling and bouncing in my lap so excitedly. Our favorite part was watching her dig into her cake! I a yummy sweet potato cake with brown butter sage icing - highly recommend this recipe! For the invitation, I painted a floral “1” (inspired by this beautiful invitation) in the colors I imagined for her simple wildflower themed party.

a peak at our new (PINK!) dining room

of course I designed a faux floral arrangement just for her party

It’s been bittersweet for me, knowing Sage’s first year of life has passed and she’s now about to enter toddlerhood. I sometimes long for her newborn days but I also love the vibrant little girl she’s becoming! She’s so fun and smart and adorable. It’s the best gift just getting to watch her learn and grow. Happy first birthday, Sagey girl!

See this gallery in the original post